Bas Cornelissen

Bas is a baritone, researcher and designer. He is a master’s student historical voice at the Conservatory of Amsterdam and regularly performs as a soloist and as an ensemble singer. Bas also studies music academically as a lecturer at the musicology department of the University of Amsterdam.

Upcoming concerts

30 Aug '2418.0020.00Kultursommer Görwihl, Duitsland
Tempera Mente - In MatriaTempera Mente zingt op de Kultursommer Görwihl een programma rondom Duitse en Nederlandse vroegbarok. Meer informatie
1 Sep '2413.3014.30Stadsklooster Utrecht
Tempera Mente - In MatriaTempera Mente zingt in de Fringe van het Festival Oude Muziek een programma rondom Duitse en Nederlandse vroegbarok. Meer informatie
2 Nov '2400.0000.00Joriskerk, Amersfoort
Mahler — Das Klagende Lied (onder voorbehoud)De Philharmonie o.l.v. Stijn Berkouwer
3 Nov '2400.0000.00Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Mahler — Das Klagende LiedDe Philharmonie o.l.v. Stijn Berkouwer
13 Dec '2400.0000.00Jacobikerk, Utrecht
J.S. Bach — WeihnachtsoratoriumUSKO o.l.v. Stijn Berkouwer
14 Dec '2400.0000.00Barbarakerk, Culemborg
J.S. Bach — WeihnachtsoratoriumUSKO o.l.v. Stijn Berkouwer
View complete agenda


Bas is a master’s student historical voice with Xenia Meijer and Sinan Vural at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. As a soloist, he has sung in J.S. Bachs Matthäus Passion (Christ), Johannes Passion (all roles), several cantatas, Buxtehudes Membra Jesu Nostri, Charpentiers Te Deum, Mozarts Requiem, and Vaughan Williams Dona nobis pacem. Bas also frequently sings in small ensembles (Fonos, Cantores Martini), chamber choirs (PA’dam, Bachkoor Holland, Meesters&Gezellen), and opera choruses (Consensus Vocalis/Reisopera). Together with Leenke de Lege, Bas has organised the Dutch première of Steinberg’s Passion Week in 2023. Besides singing, he studied music academically in his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, where he is currently a lecturer in the musicology department.


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