Bas during his PhD defense


Why do humans make music, and how do they do it? Why are we a musical species? These are the questions that motivate my research. I use computational methods to study how musical traditions differ. Mapping the diversity of musics across the globe, is a key step in understanding the cultural evolution of musics.

Research projects

Cover of my PhD dissertation (Measuring Musics)
2024 research

Measuring Musics

On Friday 23 February 2024 Bas will defend his PhD dissertat…

Guidonian hand wrestling
2024 research

🌞 Delasol

The Delasol project aims to develop methods for automatic he…

A screenshot of a hand with a recognized solmization gesture
2024 research

🤘 Manual Music

Manual Music is an experiment that tries to turn the hand in…

The approximate patterns in Summa
2022 research

Algo Pärt

Algorithmic recomposition of compositions by Arvo Pärt.

Averaged melody squares of music from four broad geographic regions.
2022 research

Melody squares

Visualizing the melodic three-note motifs in collection of m…

Embeddings learned by the model, colored by genre and mode.
2022 research

Neural chant

Modelling Gregorian chant with a lstm-based language model. …

A rhythm triangle showing the motifs present in a recording of Malian Jembe drumming
2022 research

Rhythm triangles

A project to visualize rhythm in music and animal sounds usi…

An overview of the method
2022 research

Shapes of music

How to best describe the shapes of melodic phrases in musics…

2021 research

Chant21 & chant corpora

Chant21 is a Python library for working with plainchant in M…

A screenshot of the central visualization
2021 research

Bonding or signaling?

Is the evolution of music more likely explained by the socia…

Poster of Catafolk at SysMus21
2021 research


Catafolk automatically indexes and analyzes folk music datas…

Principal component of melodies closely resemble cosine functions
2021 research

Cosine Contours

Representing shapes of melodies using cosine functions

Results of our mode classification study
2020 research

Mode classification in Western plainchant

Code and data for our ISMIR2020 paper 'Mode Classification a…

From iterated learning to naming games
2017 research

Bayesian Naming Games

Interpolating between iterated learning and naming games, we…

Doctoral dissertation


On Friday 23 February 2024, I defended my doctoral dissertation Measuring musics: Notes on modes, motifs, and melodies. The dissertation consists of several studies that try to measure properties of musical traditions. In the same way linguists have compared languages to work out how they are related, what properties are common, and which are rare, musicologists have compared musical traditions or musics. To do so, you somehow need to measure the properties you are interested in. My dissertation develops computational methods to measure musics. It discusses, amongst others, modes in plainchant, inventories of rhythmic and melodic motifs, and shapes of melodies.

Curious? Read the feature Bruno van Wayenburg wrote for NRC or have a look at the dissertation.

Feature in NRCDownload dissertation (PDF, 27MB)

Academic biography

My academic life has been closely connected to the University of Amsterdam, where I did my bachelors (Bèta-gamma) and masters (Logic), both with a major in mathematics. I then went on to do a PhD in computational musicology with Jelle Zuidema, John Ashley Burgoyne and Henkjan Honing at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, which I defended in early 2024. Currently, I am a lecturer in cognition and computation at the department of musicology at the Univeristy of Amsterdam, while still affiliated to the Music Cognition Group.


N.B. will be updated and formatting properly as soon as possible.

Cornelissen, B. (2024). Measuring Musics: Notes on Modes, Motifs, and Melodies [Phdthesis]. University of Amsterdam.

Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2021a). Catafolk: Cataloguing Folk Music Datasets for Comparative Musicology. International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology.

Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2021b). Cosine Contours: a Multipurpose Representation for Melodies. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval.

Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2021c). Fixing Huron’s Contour Typology. Poster presented at the Low Countries Music Network Meeting.

Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2021d). Musical Modes as Statistical Modes: Classifying Modi in Gregorian Chant. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music.

Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2020a). Mode Classification and Natural Units in Plainchant. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 869–875.

Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2020b). Studying Large Plainchant Corpora Using chant21. 7th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, 5.

Cornelissen, B. (2017). Bayesian Language Games: Unifying and Evaluating Agent-Based Models of Horizontal and Vertical Language Evolution [Master’s thesis]. University of Amsterdam.

Cornelissen, B., & Zuidema, W. (2017). Unifying Horizontal and Vertical Interactions in the Bayesian Naming Game. Poster presented at the workshop Minds, Mechanisms, and Interaction in the Evolution of Language.

Cornelissen, B., Sadakata, M., & Honing, H. (2016). Categorization in the Speech to Song Transformation (STS). Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 386. 2014

Cornelissen, B. (2014). Non-measurable Sets [Bachelor’s thesis]. University of Amsterdam.