Stairs somwhere in Slovenia

Design & web

Bas has worked as a freelance graphic designer and webdeveloper since 2008 on a wide range of projects, from small campaigns to larger corporate identities.

Selected projects

Note that I am currently migrating the website, and so many older projects are now missing.

Hexagon pattern
2023 design


Three iterations of the visual identity of Tactile, from the…

The new website of the Music Cognition Group
2023 design

Music Cognition Group

A new website and visual identity for the Music Cognition Gr…


Music Cognition Group Website for the Music Cognition Group at the University of Amsterdam.
Bes klein Simple one-pager for the ensemble Bes klein.
Iris Bouman Website for alto/mezzo Iris Bouman.
Fonos Simple one-pager for ensemble Fonos.
Inquisitive Semantics Website of Floris Roelofsen where he collects the latest developments in the field of inquisitive semantics. The website was designed and built in collaboration with Marianne de Heer Kloots.
Catafolk Website for the Catafolk project.
De aarde is onder mijn voeten (v2) A modern web app for Johan Cornelissen's book De aarde is onder mijn voeten to replace the old website dating back to 2008.
CLC Lab Website of the cognition, language and computation lab at the University of Amsterdam
De Omslag (Archived)
Website voor Doro Theaterjuf
Website Skek In collaboration with Boris Cornelissen
Vechtzoom In collaboration with Caroline Buiskool
Psychologiewinkel In collaboration with Boris Cornelissen
Natoli In collaboration with Boris Cornelissen
Christelijk Gymnasium Utrecht In collaboration with Boris Cornelissen
Annexs juwelier goudsmid In collaboration with Boris Cornelissen. (Archived.)
Decanaat Christelijk Gymasium Utrecht In collaboration with Boris Cornelissen
De aarde is onder mijn voeten In collaboration with Boris Cornelissen, who designed the book.
See my CV for a complete list